The fans of the former Mister Ugly pageant title holder were very much disappointed because they claimed that the new winner was too good-looking to be given the title.
For the fourth annual Mister Ugly contest of Zimbabwe, the judges picked Mison Sere, 42-years old, over previous years’ title holder William Masvinu. The judges explained that his wide array of gross facial articulations and many missing front teeth made him win over Masvinu.

Photo Credit: Huffington News
Masvinu and his fans questioned the judges and said Sere’s ugliness was unnatural because their decision was based on the fact that he had many missing teeth. Another contestant, Patrick Mupereki, also objected to the judges’ decision because to him it was a form of cheating. Insults were thrown at the judges and the crowd shoved and pushed when the decision was made known.
Sere, Masvinu’s challenger, said his detractors were just “sore losers” and went home with his award of $500. Sere is hoping to get a TV contract to showcase his ugliness.

Photo Credit: Huffington Post
Scandals are frequent in pageants in Zimbabwe. Emily Kachote, a Miss Zimbabwe winner, was forced to step down because of some nude pictures posted on social media. Her predecessor also suffered the same scandal.