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VIP Tickets for One Direction sold out in 2 Hours


As of 10:04AM Today, VIP Concert Tickets for the band One Direction are Sold Out which was 2 hours since they sold the tickets.


Yesterday, lot of fans are already waiting outside the MOA Arena to buy their tickets
and for the Launch Event that will be held today.

The official ticket prices are :
VIP – 17,950Php
Diamond- 14,800 Php
Titanium- 7,450 Php
Gold – 3,775 Php
Silver – 2,220 Php
General Admission – 1,150 Php

Now a lot of people (including a few celebrities) are still in line for their tickets, and for those who can’t attend the launch event, tickets will be sold at 2PM today on all SM Ticket Outlets Nationwide.

The concert will be held on the MOA Concert Grounds on March 21, 2015 as part of the “One Direction On the Road Again Tour 2015″

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