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Top 10 Craziest Fakes From China

6. Fake Walnuts with Cement


What can best ruin your day and crack your teeth than a bite of walnut containing cement inside. That is just crazy! On the outside, the fake walnuts looked normal, but upon opening, you will find a solid piece of cement. The culprits have been said to be vendors looking to maximize their profit by selling counterfeit walnuts.

7. Fake Fossils


There are different ways how they produce counterfeit fossils. One is by breaking the genuine fossil and fastening them together to make fossil skeletons that look real. Other people use modern bones and teeth and gluing them into plaster. Some sculpt the relics onto a rock then painting them. Very creative, eh? People actually buy these fakes in prices as high as the real ones.

Written by Team DailyPedia is created to carry on the very purpose of writing and reading online--- and that is to be connected to the world.

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