Texas – Sandy, a homeless old man, and his friend, Joseph Costelo came in together and pulled a social experiment on the streets to show how people treat others based on their looks.

Earlier that day, Sandy was given a haircut and dressed in a business suit

Next, the act begins. He asked people on the streets for money and most of them stopped and gave him more than the amount he needed. One guy even gave him $5 when asked for only 25 cents.

Now, the homeless part..

Not even a soul stopped to help him. There was a chance when he was not even saying anything yet but this guy shooed him away.
This experiment is an eye opener. The moral: We do not have the right to judge a person based on what we see and how we see them.” Who knows. You might just be helping an angel.
People who are homeless are not social inadequates. They are people without homes.
– Sheila McKechnie
- This Guy Put A Homeless Man In A Business Suit To See What Happens. The Result Is Hard To Swallow…-astoundable.com/this-guy-put-a-homeless-man-in-a-business-suit-to-see-what-happens-the-result-is-hard-to-swallow/
- The Real Homeless Man Experiment;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1rwRT229Uo