A video showing dermatologist Dr. Vikram Yadav pulling out hundreds of maggots from a boy’s ear in India has gone viral.
In the Video, Yadav can be seen extracting hundreds of maggots, which fed off the boy’s flesh, using tweezers.
Each creepy crawler, which appears as squirming white mass deep inside his ear, measures about one centimetre long.

According to Yadav, the young patient is suffering from aural myasis in which a person’s ears or nose are infested with fly larvae. Common in tropics and subtropics, this condition usually infects children younger than 10 years of age or adults suffering from fatigue.

Yadav explained that houseflies entered the patient’s ears while he was sleeping. These houseflies laid larvae in the ear which later on hatched into hundreds of maggots.
These maggots feed on the ear’s flesh. If left untreated, the condition can be detrimental to one’s health since the maggots can potentially penetrate the brain. It may also lead to deafness.

People with this condition may experience buzzing and observe smelly discharge.
Furthermore, Yadav advised: “If anybody sleeps, a child, an old person, and you see any houseflies there, put some cloth on their face so they don’t enter into the orifices and lay their eggs. Prevention is better.”