When [my girlfriend] gave the ultimatum, it really wasn’t a question. I lived in my car for, like, four days with my dog before my parents would let us come back to their house. But I would have been homeless with her forever.
Photo from Scott Laudati Instagram
These are the words of Scott Ladauti when his girlfriend ex-girlfriend forced him to choose between their relationship and keeping the dog.
His decision was straightforward and honest. He chose his dog.
According to the Ladauti, he had been struggling with his relationship for a while. So, what he did was get his beloved boxer, Satine to save it. However, it always does the opposite. “I mean, I’d always wanted a dog, and we were living in a terrible area, so I thought getting a dog was probably the best idea. I mean, we would have fallen apart anyway. This definitely accelerated it,” Scott said.
Though he saw the breakup coming, he did not regret the choice he made and the decision to end the relationship.
He said the two of them would always get into an argument whenever he would take the dog’s side each time it did something wrong.
Nonetheless, he stood by his decision, saying, “it was bad all around, but I made the right choice for sure.”
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I hope you can find a woman who love a dog to.. a girl who can appreciate you everything..
I thought im really crazy just like what they keep on telling me when I choose not to leave my dog, and sacrifice a trip. Now i know I’m not, because I know it really happens, it’s a reality..
if my girl asked me the same question? Id choose my dog. No sane woman would make a man choose between her and a dog
Dogs are man’s best friend. I’d do the same if I were you. Take care.
I would do the same thing like what Scott did.. its better to have a bestfriend than to have a bitter girlfriend!
I hope you can find a woman who love a dog to.. a girl who can appreciate you everything..
I thought im really crazy just like what they keep on telling me when I choose not to leave my dog, and sacrifice a trip. Now i know I’m not, because I know it really happens, it’s a reality..
if my girl asked me the same question? Id choose my dog. No sane woman would make a man choose between her and a dog
Dogs are man’s best friend. I’d do the same if I were you. Take care.
I would do the same thing like what Scott did.. its better to have a bestfriend than to have a bitter girlfriend!