It looks like this young man from China took the lyrics of The Script’s hit song ‘The Man Who Can’t Be Moved” literally when he knelt down in front of a hair salon in Dongsan Road, Dongying City for more than 30 days just to get another chance with his girlfriend.

Reportedly, the man was determined to kneel on the same spot for over a month.

Strangers who saw the man were moved by his act. Some even helped him get up.

Meanwhile, the man’s girlfriend has not given a response to his appeal.
The story which was first published on QQ quickly became viral and earned interesting comments from netizens.
Here are some of them:
Young man, if you want your girlfriend to respect you, then you must respect yourself, and live [behave] like a man. You stubbornly kneeling down like this will just humiliate yourself, and your girlfriend will feel sorry but also frustrated with you even more. Wake up.
Loving each other has to be equal. If you’ve admitted to your mistake but your girlfriend won’t forgive you, then let it go. You hanging your head kneeling like this, is this you wanting to be a wuss? Does a real man fear not being able to find a woman?
If you’re going to kneel, then knee three minutes, and if she doesn’t forgive you after three minutes, stop kneeling, it’s over, go home and give it a rest.