The police were investigating Jenna Louise Driscoll, 25, in Brisbane, Australia, for possible drug trafficking, but got the shock of their lives upon discovering on her mobile phone at least 3 videos of her having sex with her pitbull.
According to Mirror UK, the police were able to seize several items from Driscoll, including a mobile phone which they used to check her contacts and text messages for links to her customers and suppliers.

They were able to find several messages which could serve as evidence to strengthen their drug trafficking charges against her. For example, there was a text message showing she sold 4 oz of marijuana worth P45,000 to a client.
The discovery of the drug deal led police to believe they are on the right track in using her phone. So, they made an in-depth investigation to check all the contents of the phone. It was then that they found her videos with the dog.
Driscoll was slapped with drug trafficking charges plus separate charges for bestiality. She was able to post bail – and was snapped returning to her home with a dog and an unidentified man. The authorities were not able to seize her pitbull because the law concerning animals, the Animal Care Protection Act, does not have provisions for bestiality.
The police are gathering more evidence to prove that bestiality really happened [or is still happening!] so that they could help save it from cruelty.

Driscoll’s is not the first case of bestiality. The practice has been documented even in ancient times. Many countries do not have specific laws for this, but just like Driscoll’s case, can be filed under animal cruelty and abuse.
In a separate report on Mirror UK, a woman named Shari Knight, 53, was allegedly caught sexually assaulting the dogs owned by her roommate, Beverley Bradley. After she was caught doing the bizarre behavior, she even tried to poison Bradley.
Knight is out on a $15,000 bail after she was charged with animal cruelty, aggravated battery, and assault. She admitted to performing the bizarre acts on the dogs for many times already.