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These Medical Instruments Are So Terrifying You’ll Be Thankful They Aren’t Used Anymore

5. Skull saw – No need to explain where this was used

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4. Smoke Enema  – This odd device was used on patients who fell through icy waters in order to infuse tobacco smoke into a patient’s rectum. It was thought to help patients warm up helping them recover sooner. Nevertheless there were doubts about the credibility of tobacco enemas which led to the popular phrase “blow smoke up one’s ass.”

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3. Circumcision Knife – This hellish thing was used to circumcise male species back then

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2. Lithotome (1740s-1830s)  – This was a device used to cut the bladder in order to remove stones. The shaft contained a hidden blade that was inserted into the bladder and then released using a spring handle.

1. Civil War Dental Screw Forceps – This was used to tap dental roots. The dental screw forceps was used before the advent of anesthesia. That hurts!!!!

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screengrab from list25

Written by Team DailyPedia is created to carry on the very purpose of writing and reading online--- and that is to be connected to the world.

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