After the video “10 Hours of Walking In New York City” became a viral hit worldwide, India’s Indie Tube team released a Mumbai version of the controversial experimental video.
Unlike actress Shoshana B. Roberts who was catcalled and harassed more than 100 times during her 10 hours of walking in New York City, Poojah Singh, the subject of the Indian video, was not catcalled or harassed during her walk in the most populated city in the world.

In the original New York video, Roberts, who was wearing a crew neck shirt and jeans, was catcalled, whistled, and shouted while walking through all the areas of Manhattan.
In contrast, Singh who was in pink vest top and mini skirt only got stares and glances from several men during the 10-hour journey. Despite her sexy outfit, she did not receive any derogatory remarks.

At the end of the video, Indie Tube left a message: “Not even a single incident of woman street harassment took place in a city that has diversified culture, demographics and economy. The female citizens are safe, respected and treated unbiased in this city, which never sleeps.”
Watch the video “10 hours of Walking in Mumbai as a Woman”.
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