A woman suffering from mental health problems was found by a hospital nurse attempting to munch her newborn baby’s arm.
Li Zhenghua is the 24-year-old mother who allegedly bit her son’s arm days after she gave birth at a hospital in Shenzen City in Guangdon Province in China.

Shocked by what she saw, nurse Liu Tianlun raised the alarm and tried to get the baby from the mother. However, the “cannibal mom” refused to give in and continued biting the baby’s arm.
A spokesperson for the hospital said:
“It was really shocking, the arm was badly damaged and suffered not only heavy bruising but bleeding as a result of the bite. Fortunately, doctors managed to insert something to stop her closing her teeth and then levered her jaws apart. After that they gave her a sedative and took the baby to a secure location.”
According to the police, Li was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law forcing her to live in the streets. Reports claimed that she started behaving strangely after the incident.

Apparently, the woman managed to survive in the streets for several weeks despite being heavily pregnant. After seeing her in labor in the street, some concerned people rushed Li to hospital while the staff tried to contact her family.
Currently, an investigation is being conducted to determine what caused the woman to do the attack. Officials are still deciding whether the baby will be taken away from the supposed mentally ill mom.