Bernard Weber, Founder-President of New7Wonders, announced the Official List for New7Wonders Cities in Dubai last evening.
“We congratulate each of these cities on achieving their New7Wonders status, and we look forward to celebrating their election to the “canon of 7″ with their citizens in 2015,” said Bernard Weber, adding, “The New7Wonders Cites will now join the New7Wonders of Nature and the New7Wonders of the World in becoming part of Global Memory for humanity for ever.”
New7Wonders Cities Panel of Experts proposed the selection of the 28 Official Finalist Candidates a year ago and now were down to 7 through the garnered results based on hundred millions of votes from around the world. Here are the following names:
1.) Beirut, Lebanon

2.) Doha,Qatar

3.) Durban, South Africa

4.) Havana, Cuba

5.) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

6.) La Paz, Bolivia

7.) Vigan, Ilocos Sur