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Top 10 Weirdest Japanese Inventions

Japan is a great country whose many inventions have surely made the world a better place to live in. However, the country also produced its fair share of weird inventions that made us wonder what the inventors were really thinking when they made these items!

The pancake robot is just plain crazy. The fully automated robot was designed to work alongside human counterparts and could create pancakes from scratch. There is no question that the robot was truly functional. The question is: why make a pancake robot? Is there really a huge demand for pancakes? Weird.

The capsule hotel is also quite crazy because it resembles a well-lighted morgue, for lack of a better comparison. The rooms vary in size but are usually 6 feet x 3 feet x 4 feet. Yep. Totally weird. The good news is that the cells come with a TV.

Another weird invention made us wonder how lazy people have really become: the easy butter former. It appears that the invention allows you to create the perfect butter shreds for your toast.

The face slimmer is a fad that never gets out of style, though you wonder just how far people would go to obtain a slim face. The products vary in shapes and sizes, though we’re a bit skeptic at the last example which people are supposed to place on their mouths.

If you want to hide from your enemies or attackers, you can don a vending machine skirt so a woman can quickly blend in with other, errrr, vending machines in the area. We see a lot of flaws in this design. For example, how many places have vending machines so you blend in, really? Also, how do you suppose one could wear the thing without getting noticed. Yep. weird.

The cupman also left us puzzled. Why would anyone need something to hold the lid of the cup noodles while waiting for it to be cooked. It would just be a waste of money plus the design is a bit weird.

The female lap pillow is surely a gag, right? Well, that might have started as a gag but it soon became a favorite pillow to many travelers so that the thing is now being marketed in several shops in Japan.

Smartphones are getting bigger and bigger these days – but many people have small hands. To solve that problem, some enterprising inventors created a thumb extender. You get an extra 15 millimeters of thumb to reach the top screen of your phablet with ease.

I actually love the square watermelons but wonder why they can’t be eaten. What a waste of a perfect watermelon.

The necomimi is the most useless and weirdest of the crazy inventions in this list. It looks like a headband with ears. It is equipped with brain wave sensors that can detect thoughts and emotions. The ears perk up and move, depending on the user’s mood and when the user concentrates on something.

Here’s the video of these weirdest inventions:

Written by Joy Adalia

A non-functioning licensed Chemist but full-time mommy of 2 kids, full-time wife, and full-time freelancer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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