Putting make up has been a mandatory for girls especially if one wants to achieve a perfect selfie for the day. Cosmetics will hide blemishes, wrinkles, and any signs of aging. But taking knife, spending £15K just to achieve perfect selfie?? Isn’t that too expensive? Yes it is. The classy divorcee has spoken, swns.com reported.
Diane Clarke, 63, does not take mind spending huge money to have a ready-selfie complexion.
“I know some people might say I’ve been to extreme lengths for the perfect selfie. I do feel very vain but taking selfies is so addictive.”
She used to hate herself when looking for photos where she looked older than her group of friends.
“Seeing photos of me compared to my other friends made me feel so insecure. I looked so old but still felt young inside.
“I hated my crow’s feet and when I compared my snaps to my pals’, they all looked so much younger than me.
“I remember walking past a shop window and catching a glimpse of my reflection in it and thinking I looked like my mother. It was horrifying.
She was a great fan of face cream before but later discovered it’s not gonna help for better. With no choice left but to undergo plastic surgery, she took the option as much as she wanted to look young as how she felt inside.

“The surgeon said he could turn back the clock by at least five years and I was more than happy with that. £5k isn’t much to pay to look good in photos.
Diane, from Milton Keynes, Bucks, had her first botox operation wayback 2004 at Aurora Clinics in High Wycombe when she was 53.
Diane has spent £15,000 for facelift and botox. For her, it was all worth it for the perfect selfie.
In January 2013, she went for a surgery costing £5,000. She undergone minimal access cranial suspension facelift taking two cuts in front of each ears before the skin was pulled back.
Two hours after she was discharged from the operation, she was seen admiring her younger face.
“One particular photo of me at a wedding just tipped me over the edge, it was a proper OMG moment.
“When I looked at my pictures I was horrified. I looked so old and wrinkly, I just couldn’t believe it was me.
“Coming around (from the surgery), it was quite funny to see my face all bandaged up. At first I questioned what I had done.
“But as soon as I was out of hospital and the bandages were off, I was pointing the camera at myself.
“Flicking through my folder of selfies I was absolutely amazed to see I looked about eight years younger.
Keeping it a secret from friends that she took surgery, thrilling faces surrounded her when they finally saw the new her.
“They were all so impressed that the surgeon had managed to iron me out.”
Diane has continued to have her botox twice a year and considering to have a second face lift.
“Modern technologies like selfies are causing us to think and feel differently about our appearance, ” her plastic surgeon Adrian Richards of Aurora Clinics said.