It’s not a secret that we are facing a huge trash problem around the world which cause a lot of environmental problems. It’s not enough that even how efficient our officials still tons of trash are causing disaster. Because of this, one eco-friendly company from California is making a big difference by having their coolest invention especially for a coffee lovers. Their project tagged as “Reduce. Reuse. Grow.” was invented the world’s first plantable coffee cup. When planted the seeds embedded within the cups grow in the ground, sprouting life out of what was once a worthless old coffee cup.
Coffee cups are a dime a dozen. You may have come across hundreds and maybe thousands in your life if you are a coffee drinker or if your friends are. Millions are used everyday and millions are thrown away everyday. The people at Reduce. Reuse. Grow. have attempted to plant seeds inside the coffee cups so that when they have served their primary purpose, coffee cups can be planted in the ground and can grow into trees.

They hope to raise enough money to make these awesome coffee cups that grow into trees a reality at a coffee shop near you. The cups will be made personalized based on location, so that each cup contains native seeds from the area it is served in. This ensures your coffee cup will grow and flourish in your own backyard. But in case, people don’t want to plant it in their homes, they can throw the cups in a trash bins especially assigned for these cups then a group of people will get them and do the planting.
For those who will bring the cups, people may find it easy how to do. First, after having their coffee, they should unravel their cups and make sure to soak into water for 3 to 5 minutes before they plant it.

The creators of plantable coffee cups wanted to create something that offered a better solution to recycling. The idea for creating a cup that can be planted as opposed to thrown away is the perfect solution by simply drinking coffee and plant the biodegradable cover of cups.

The plans to take their idea to San Francisco and Colorado where people will have the chance to purchase and plant these cups at participating locations. If all goes as planned, plantable coffee cups that turn into trees will be a reality by the summer of 2015 where most numbered of people enjoy vacation and have chit chats with friends at the coffee shops.
The cups, which are currently part of a Kickstarter campaign, will have seeds embedded in their walls based on their locations. Participating stores will encourage people to plant the cups themselves or to return them to be planted by the company.
“We have such a diverse ecosystem here that we have the ability to test over 1000 species pretty much all in our backyard with some of the world’s leading soil scientist and Ecology gurus,” Alex Henige explained to Bored Panda. “This is where we will work out all the details and be able to then start testing other regions to make the process run smoother. We have done testing with only a handful of native seeds here in California as related to coffee heat. We have had no problem with their germination due to the fact that they are not coming in direct contact with the coffee itself. We do know that there are a handful of seeds that will make it no problem, due to the nature in which they are meant for in the wild, very hardy and durable. However with a majority of the seeds, it will take time to really lock in the temperatures and times exposed to these temps in order to all operate and germinate properly.”
A public relations campaign in partnership with various cafés no doubt will attempt to get people to do so or to return the cups when they’re done. All in all its a simpler way to recycle and a more productive one than simply dumping things in to the right bin. These coffee cups will soon be the biggest contributor in plant a tree campaign worldwide to save Mother Earth.