
Everyday items that are surprisingly dirtier than a toilet seat

With everything that goes inside a toilet, it can make you squeamish to know that the things all around you all day, everyday are even more infested with germs, bacteria, and who-knows-what-else. Those everyday items you bring to work and hold to and touch everyday may be dirtier than a toilet.

What makes it worse is that contamination is almost inevitable. People are constantly touching germ-infected surfaces, especially in office buildings. Computers, elevators, and doors are contaminated surprisingly fast with infectious bacteria.

Research shows that bacteria from door knobs and other surfaces can travel in just two to four hours, infecting 40 to 60% of workers and visitors at various facilities. That’s even worse than sticking your own hand in the toilet.

Just what are these everyday items dirtier than a toilet seat? From inside your bag to your kitchen, check out this infographic from Plumbworld.

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Written by KM Viray

Government employee from 8 to 5. Writer in between hours. Mom all day everyday.

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