Netizen Judy Ann Samorin posted on Facebook a picture of a beggar, who’s applying colors on her drawing, that got overwhelming response from commenters.
She said it was last June 15 around 5pm when she saw a beggar on sidewalk (who she thought is a lady) along Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue.
“I was with my best friend that time when i saw this woman (not sure) nagdadrawing ng iba’t-ibang subject. We are so amazed that time, she’s selling her works worth 15 pesos,” Samorin said.
She said she was amazed by the talent God has given to the lady and hoping that her post will get noticed by art school, organization or even association to recognize the lady’s amazing talent.

Facebook users expressed their praise for her admirable works.
One commenter said, “Atleast siya di siya basta nanghihingi lang. gumagawa siya ng way para kumita. nice nice“
(“Atleast, she doesn’t just beg money. She makes (drawing) to earn. Nice nice.”)
Another said, “Where can I find her? I would like to help her. I’d like to purchase all her works.“
For interested buyer or anyone who would like to give help, a concerned netizen posted where she had last seen the lady. “Dito yan sa may cityland sa buendia. Along gil puyat avenue makati.”
(“Here in Cityland Buendia. Along Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati.”)
We’ve seen alot of people begging on the streets. We take pity on them but this inspiring woman takes the lead and amazed us with her masterpiece.You knock it on a pedestal. You’re indeed fantastic!