The Yulin Dog and Cat Meat Festival is one of the most inhumane events that has sparked outrage not just among animal-lovers but also with many organizations, groups, and netizens as well. But what really is this so called festival all about?
The Dailypedia has done some research and this is what we found out about this annual festival.
(WARNING: Graphic images)
1. The Yulin Lychee Dog and Cat Meat Festival started in the 1990s. (Source)
The event is called Yulin Lychee Dog and Cat Meat Festival as lychees are peeled and liquors are poured into the hotpots along with the animals.

2. It is different from the Jinhua Hutou Dog Meat Festival. (Source)
Another dog-eating festival, the Jinhua Hutou Dog Meat Festival is a 600-year tradition that is held in a different town in China: Jinhua, in Zhejiang, China. The Yulin Festival is held in Yulin, Shaanxi, China. In 2011, however, the Jinhua Festival was canceled because of a widespread social media campaign.

3. 10,000 dogs and 5,ooo cats are slaughtered every year for the Yulin Festival.(Source)
These dogs and cats are mostly stolen from households and subjected to public torture. People torture these poor pets to increase their adrenaline, which they claim makes the meat tastier.

4. Captured dogs and cats are burned or boiled alive and tortured as “part of the fun.” (Source)
Aside from making their meat more flavorful because of torture, the captured animals are abused as part of the festivities.

5. Several superstitions are associated with eating dog meat. (Source)
Eating dog meat in China has been associated with increasing sex drives. They also claim that the dead household pets that are eaten will protect their homes. A Chinese belief also states that the meat stimulates heat to reduce the winters’ cold. The Yulin Festival is done during the inaugural day of summer to bring good luck and health.

6. Activists and organizations are trying to save as many dogs and cats from the cruel slaughter, including a woman who will spend 50,000 Yuan to save hundreds of dogs from being slaughtered in the festival. (Source)
Yang Xiayun saved a lot of money to save hundreds of dogs from being killed in the festival. She is going to spend 50,000 Yuan to buy dogs from the dealers and save them from a cruel death.

On June 19, 2015, a truck with 60 dogs and 150 cats was blocked at the entrance of a local market by activists in Yulin. Sadly, there were only 60 dogs found because they believe some have already been killed and frozen in preparation for the festival.

7. If we do not take action, this cruel feast will take place this weekend. (Source)
This year, June 21 to 22, are the dates when this cruel event takes place as the summer solstice signals the hottest days in the town of Yulin. If we do not take action, thousands of dogs and cats will be killed this weekend.

8. You can help stop this cruel from happening with the hashtag #stopyulin2015 and by signing up to the “Please shut down the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in GuanXi, China.” has a petition written for Governor Chen Wu of GuanXi Province. As of writing, it has over 700,000 supporters. You can also sign up by clicking here. Social media users can also use the hashtag #stopyulin2015.
#StopYulin2015 -When you search this hashtag some of the images you will see are absolutely…
— Anne Curtis-Smith (@annecurtissmith) June 19, 2015
Is this the post of the week from @rickygervais?? #StopYulin2015 #StopYulinFOREVER
— PROTECT ALL WILDLIFE (@Protect_Wldlife) June 19, 2015
We hope to stop this killing festival from happening. #stopyulin2015
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This is horrible stop it