In Argentina, almost one person is killed every hour due to traffic accidents. Most of these accidents occur on two-lane roads where situations of overtaking are common.
This is why Samsung came up with the revolutionary technology dubbed as the “Safety Truck.”

In order to minimize cases of traffic accidents, Samsung developed a system that will enable drivers to see the road ahead before attempting to overtake the vehicle before it. The system employs the use of a small wireless camera that captures what’s happening in front of the truck. Meanwhile, a live feed of the road is projected on huge monitors attached to the back of semi-trailer trucks. Night driving is also made easier because the technology also offers night-vision.

Although no models are available on the road, Samsung Safety truck’s prototype has already been tested. Currently, the company is working with the local government to improve and optimize the technology for live road use.
Watch how Samsung’s Safety Truck works.
Featured image credits to Samsung Tomorrow.