Several photos uploaded by netizen Aileen Ariego on Facebook have stirred up controversy online.

Allegedly, the photos show a disposed aborted fetus at Samasipat St., Sta. Ana in Taguig City.

According to Ariego, the fetus placed inside a milk wrapper was dropped accidentally right before it was supposed to be picked up by a garbage truck.

Although many netizens are considering the possibility that it can be a dog or a cat embryo, Ariego insisted that what she saw was indeed a human fetus.

Check out her full post below.

Illegal Abortion in the Philippines
Despite the United Nations recommendations for legalizing abortion in the Philippines in 2006, safe and legal abortions are still banned in the country.
Ironically, many Filipinos resort to unsafe abortions because of the law. According to a 2013 report by Guttmacher Institute, an international non-governmental organisation (NGO), around 1,000 Filipinos die from complications due to unsafe abortions.
The World Health Organization defined unsafe abortion as “a procedure for terminating a pregnancy performed by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment not in conformity with minimal medical standards, or both.”
Featured image credits to Facebook/Aileen Ariego.