On June 27, Netizen ArisaMae Trinidad related an incident of budol budol she personally experienced in Baliwag, Bulacan. On her way home from Pulilan, Trinidad and her friend went to Baliwag to eat at around 8:30 p.m.
They were walking near McDonald’s Baliwag when a lady approached them, fuming mad, and accused them of being the accomplices of a guy she said stole her son’s money and cellphone. Trinidad denied the allegation, but the lady threatened to take them to her high-ranking policeman husband to be interrogated.
The angry lady insisted on going through their bags, even their wallets, saying the culprit might have dropped the stolen items there. After a while she pretended not to find anything inside their bags, apologized for accusing them, and even told them to be careful before leaving. They only realized it was a budol budol scheme when they were about to order food and found out they lost all their money. They reported the incident to the police, but could no longer find the lady.
Here is the complete post of Trinidad:

Some commenters emphatized with the victims, thanking them for sharing their story to at least warn other netizens. Others blamed them saying it was their fault for allowing the culprit to search and rob their bags and wallets. A couple of online users encountered the same experience and were victimized by the same scammer.
Read some of the comments below:

Here is the photo of the alleged culprit who is believed to have been doing the scheme for quite a long time.

Featured Image credit: Facebook / A.B. Trinidad