Netizen Carlito Charlie Charles Uy shared his horrific experience with his mobile phone.
On July 1, Uy posted photos on Facebook of what he said was an iPhone, which reportedly emitted fumes and then exploded while he was driving on his way home. Uy said the phone was fully charged, and was just lying in the center console of his car at around 6 a.m. in the morning when it blew up. Uy was just thankful that he was not holding or using the phone when it happened.
Uy said he posted the incident to warn others about using their phones. While he was confident about his phone’s quality since it did not have any history of battery malfunction and he even puts the phone beside him when he sleeps, Uy stressed that his experience should serve as a reminder to all mobile phone users to be extra cautious, especially to those who charge their phones under their pillows while sleeping.
Regardless of the brand, since reports of exploding batteries have been recounted several times, it can happen not only to iPhones but all mobile phones, in general.
Read his full post below:

Photos of the damaged iPhone 4:

Some of the comments suggested that Uy bring the phone to the Apple store. While others say the phone was fake and/or replica, Uy’s sole intention on posting the pictures was to share his experience and warn other users.
Read some of the comments below:
C. Uy: “Yun tita ko po sabi sa akin un ipod ng husband niya pumutok habang tulog listening to music.. good thing hinde siya nainjured.. they reported it and apple replaced it with a brandnew ipod..” (My aunt told me her husband’s iPod exploded while he was asleep and listening to music. Good thing he wasn’t injured. They reported it and apple replaced it with a brand new iPod.)
R. Domingo: “Apple is doing a recall on iPhone 5/5s because of this. Kahit out of warranty. The batt is expanding, reason why yun lcd umaangat.”
A.I. Chan: “It is quite possible that the iphone4’s battery may have reached its end based on years of wear and tear.. It could also be that at several points in the iPhone’s life, it was subjected to continuous heat like continuously playing/surfing for more than 30 min at a time, not to mention playing/surfing while charging.. There could be a myriad of reasons as I believe disasters are a product of several instances that come together at the right timing… Good thing you were not using it when it happened.”
A. Chua: “Nabasa ko before may mga series ng iphone batteries ang defective at willing silang palitan.” (I read before that some series of iPhone batteries were defective and Apple is willing to replace them.)
M. E. Galario: “It might have been battery issue. I had a new iPhone and battery got bloated. It came to a point where it almost lifted the lcd of the screen. I went to power mac and they had it replaced twice for free. 2nd replacement had a smudge.”
R.A. Nora: “Oohhh my! Salamat sa warning.. Every night nasa ilalim kopa naman fone ko kase gingawa kong alarm clock..” (Thanks for the warning. I sleep with my phone under my pillow every night because I use it as an alarm clock.)
Sarah Fargas: “Take it back to Apple store, Charles. Tell them what happened and they should be able to give you a replacement right away. Paul had an incident like this too maybe 6 years ago. It was his iPod that exploded. He was laying down on the bed listening to music and suddenly it exploded. It was in his pocket. He was able to get it out right away but it burned his pocket. We went to an Apple store to complain and they just asked him a bunch of questions including if he contacted a lawyer for this incident. After 1/2 hour, they gave paul a brand new iPod. Their customer service should be the same worldwide. I think you won’t have a problem getting a replacement phone.”
M. Viray: “You may go to an apple store or an authorized distributor or repair center so they can diagnose your phone. If it is a faulty battery they would gladly replace it. I had a bloated battery on my iPhone5 and after diagnosis they replaced it.”
R. G. Olanam: “Fake kc yn (The phone is fake.)“
Featured Photo credit: Facebook / Charlie Uy