Atopic dermatitis, more popularly known as eczema, affects 15 to 20% of children and 1-3% of adults. That is about almost 5 million people in the Philippines. Most people usually do not give attention when it happens unless the symptoms become worse.
Eczema is a term for a variety of ailments which cause inflammation and irritation of the skin. (Source) It can be very uncomfortable for the sufferer and may even cause sleepless nights. People with allergies and asthma are more prone to it and exposure to harsh chemicals and other soaps and detergents may also trigger it.
There is no cure for eczema however, there are many ointments and creams that can help relieve one of its symptoms. However, there are some natural alternatives that can even be found in the household which can help manage eczema.
Here are ten natural remedies that can help relieve the symptoms of eczema:
1. Coconut oil
Your household coconut oil isn’t just for cooking. It helps relieve eczema by sinking into the skin and filling the space that was opened which caused the skin to lose its moisture. All you need is to apply it on the affected area. (Source)
2. Fish oil
Fish oil lessens the severity of eczema particularly itching. Fish oil is rich in both n-6 and n-3 acids which help maintain normal skin function. Just follow the dosing in your fish oil supplement. Make sure you purchase and take one that has been approved by the authorities. (Source)
3. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile reduces the inflammation, relieves itching and heals skin which you have overly scratched. It has natural alcohols that has anti-microbial effects and are proven to reduce irritation and inflammation. Just put 4 tablespoons of chamomile flower in a muslin cloth and soak it in your tub or bath. Soak for 10-15 minutes to feel the results! (Source)
4. Honey
Honey is known to be anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and a humectant. These properties help speed up the healing of the skin. All you need is organic, pure, raw honey which you need to dab on the affected area, rinse after 20-30 minutes to maximize its healing effect. Do this three times a day.
5. Cornstarch and oil
Cornstarch and oil as a paste can do wonders to relieve one from eczema. Cornstarch soothes and oil moisturizes your skin. Just mix cornstarch and olive or grapeseed oil to make a paste and apply on the affected area for at least 20 minutes before rinsing. Pat dry and moisturizer after.
6. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is known to moisturize and soothe the skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties which relieves eczema symptoms. Just put a cup of oatmeal on a muslin cloth, soak in your tub or bath until the water is milky and smooth. Soak yourself for 10-15 minutes and pat dry with a clean towel.
7. Homemade Sea Spray
Going to the beach they say helps relieve and heal many skin ailments. However, modern living has taken away the time for us to go to the beach to get that benefit. A homemade sea spray is the next best thing to get all the minerals to help improve skin health. Combine distilled or boiled water, a tablespoon of Himalayan or Sea salt, just a pinch of magnesium flakes plus one to three drops of your favorite essential oil. Spray on the skin to help heal the symptoms of eczema. (Source)
8. Jojoba oil
If coconut oil does not work for you, Jojoba oil is the next best thing. They have different chemical structures but have a soothing effect to skin affected by eczema. Just apply it on the affected area three times a day.
9. Fermented Foods and Probiotics
If the cause of eczema is diet-related, fermented and probiotic rich food can help heal eczema. They help balance gut bacteria which influences our skin health. Just pick your favorite pickle or probiotic food to help improve your skin health. (Source)
10. Neem oil
Neem oil is a natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and anti-viral remedy that kills any bacteria or virus that may cause eczema. It also has high levels of anti-oxidants which also protects the skin from environmental damage and free radicals. Apply it on the affected area to see how it can help relieve eczema. (Source)
Featured Photo Credit: The Hourglass Blogger, Web MD, louisvandeskelde