10. Wolf Fish

The Atlantic wolf fish (Anarhichas lupus) is known for being a “bipolar” fish. Fishermen who have fished in small streams, river springs, sparse water puddles, lakes, and rivers in South America have told many stories of the wolf fish and its temperament. Some wolf fish are known to be docile while there are some which are so aggressive, they actually leap out of the water and land in the fishermen’s boats to attack.
The wolf fish can grow to a very large size, the record being 150 cm (almost 5 ft) long and weighed almost 18 kg (40 lbs). But what makes it so scary-looking is its sets of teeth. Both the lower and upper jaws are armed with four to six fang-like, strong, conical teeth. Behind those are three rows of crushing teeth. They have more molars and conical teeth inside their mouths and aside from that, the wolf fish’s throat is also scattered with serrated teeth.
These animals, despite their gruesome and scary appearances, are still creatures that need to be protected and respected. The nightmarish wildlife have their own purposes in nature and humans should not have a say on their existence. And the thing is, there might be even more nightmarish creatures waiting to be discovered out there.
When scientists eventually find these new species, expect a new top 10 list.