From the movies Despicable Me and Minions, the Minions characters are probably the most popular animated ones at present. However, rumors have been going around regarding the origin and inspiration of these characters. In a previous post by The Dailypedia, minions were believed to be inspired by Jewish children the Nazis used for poison gas experiments.
This time, it’s all about the minions being a symbol of a satanic cult.
Netizen Aafreen Kotadiya posted a photo of the character Minion being seemingly the merging of two occult symbols.
Photo credit: Aafreen Kotadiya
Kotadiya stated the story of “the Devil and his minions.” He said it is not a mere coincidence that the word “minions” was used.
In the movie poster of Despicable Me 2, Kotadiya highlighted the message, “When the world needed a hero, they called a villain.” It showed the character Gru with his minions looking up at him. Kotadiya said this pertained to the Antichrist.
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The half-closed eyes of the minions are supposedly a symbol of the Illuminati preparing the world’s children to receive the next Antichrist. The Illuminati is an influential secret society that supposedly controls the world’s population and infiltrates every aspect of society. A minion, Kotadiya said, is “a nameless, faceless, servant. It is a negative term implying that your only importance is from the person who orders you around. Minions are villain’s helpers.”
Photo credit: and
Kotadiya said Satan is desensitizing children to the idea of a villain being bad or that the devil and his helpers are evil. “Just as Hollywood introduced homosexuality in comedies, so now the devil and villains are being introduced by funny movies to our children,” he said.
Many minions only have one eye. According to Kotadiya, the film series is promoting the All-Seeing Eye, an occult symbol.
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He also said the use of minions in funny movies is a way to recruit children into the New World Order (NWO). The NWO refers to a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world’s wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda.
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Kotadiya also took note of the symbol on the overalls of the minions.
Photo credit: and
Could this be just pure coincidence or have a basis in fact?
With over 63,000 shares all over the world, the concept is indeed very controversial. Many netizens, however, see the movie and the characters as nothing more than for entertainment and not for any satanic purposes. After all, how could such characters be a way to recruit people into worshipping the new Antichrist?
On the other hand, many believe the post to be truthful and is too much of a coincidence to ignore.
Whatever the truth behind this issue is, it’s important to just keep one’s faith and be wary of these groups supposedly aiming for the “free world.” It will always come down to the actual being watching the movie and what he will make of it and what his beliefs are.