Today, almost everyone has a Facebook or Twitter account. If you like sharing photos, there’s Instagram. For professionals, there’s LinkedIn. With several social media platforms available online, you have every opportunity to share your personal information, your feelings, the food you eat, and even the things you are doing at the moment to the rest of the world.
But then there’s what we call social media responsibility. What you should or shouldn’t do on your own digital platform, it’s always your choice. However, let this article be a reminder, especially if you are a professional, that there are things you must avoid sharing on social media. Why? Because you are your own brand. And you have to protect it. One wrong move and you could lose your dream job.
So what are the things you should not post online?
1. Indirect attacks on your co-workers or boss

Your negative thoughts about your boss being a slave driver or your officemate talking too loud should never be shared on social media. One way or another, these simple posts will get you busted and will risk your job.
2. Complaints about your job.

Tweeting “bored at work” or “sick of going to work” is a big no-no. It will have a negative impact on your future employers.
3. Too much information.

Your fight with your family, your relationship issues, personal dramas, having a bad day, up to your personal phone number should not be announced to the world. Save it to your best friend and to those people who you really care about.
4. Engaging in controversial issues/conversations.

While voicing out your opinion about a certain subject matter, there always a “right time” for that. Don’t get into controversial issues such as politics, religion, and race. Your words may hurt your colleagues or employers.
5. Asserting yourself for a job.

Yes, you can send messages or interview requests to potential employers, but you cannot do it over and over again. It’s just not professional.
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