How much is a cup of tea worth? For a man in China, apparently, it’s worth risking his freedom.
Incredibly, the fee he paid for the tea was not that exorbitant (reportedly, a little under 100 yuan,) it’s just that the experience that went with the tea was, to say the least, too disappointing for him.

China News Service reports that the suspect, named Hu, had found a woman online named Shi. Hu was so enamored of Shi’s profile picture that he asked her out. The two agreed to a blind date at a local tea house. To Hu’s extreme dissatisfaction, Shi in real life was not as he had hoped. Unable to get over the disappointment, he decided two days later to rob Shi to get back the money he spent on the date. He saw his chance as Shi was taking a walk, whereupon he quickly snatched the woman’s purse. Police were able to apprehend Hu and he admitted to the whole affair.
This isn’t the country’s first case of a blind date gone wrong. A month ago, a couple was filmed fighting in public, apparently, over deceiving photos sent to each other online. Almost at the same time, a woman tried to commit suicide multiple times after a disappointing first meeting with her online boyfriend.