
Why is this pig’s fat bright blue?

Two weeks ago, a couple from Morgan Hill, California shot a wild pig. They thought it was just a normal pig, but they were surprised when they cut it open and saw something unusual underneath its skin.

via Imgur/GlendilTEK
via Imgur/GlendilTEK

According to , the man’s in-laws loaded the hog onto an ATV and transported it back home to butcher. After draining its blood, the pair cut into the pig’s skin and saw that the fat throughout the body was a flourescent blue.

via Imgur/GlendilTEK

Upon further inspection, they found that the meat, blood, and everything else about the pig was normal, except for the weird color of the fat.

via Imgur/GlendilTEK
via Imgur/GlendilTEK

The couple was said to have shot wild pigs on the ranch before, but none of them had this unusual coloring.

Netizens have different speculations about the blue-colored fat . Many thought it may have been caused by copper poisoning, but according to GlendilTEK, there are only old mercury mines in the nearby area that have been abandoned and filled in.

via Imgur/GlendilTEK

The ranchers already sent a sample to University of California, Davis to shed light on the mystery but up to this day, no results from the lab have been released.

Featured image via Imgur/GlendilTEK

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