As much as you like taking selfies, there are some occasions where it can be considered inappropriate. It’s even worse to do so by posting on social media.
Recently, a photo of a girl happily posing beside the coffin of a dead infant went viral and gained the ire of netizens. Netizen Elvie Gulapo Felias took a photo of herself along with another girl while standing in front of the baby’s casket. She then uploaded it on her Facebook account, just like what any selfie-lovers would do, and captioned it with a “#nakikiramaypokami Pakape.. haha”
However, since her photo was set on public view, this move immediately drew negative reactions from different social media users. Comments were mostly filled with angry words aimed to teach her about respect and right manners.
Trying to defend herself, Elvie posted another photo of herself along with a smiling woman in striped bonnet. She pointed out that it’s not only her who’s having a great time, but also the mother of the deceased.
Netizen Richelle also shared a comment with a screenshot of Elvie’s response to her bashers.
We tried searching for Elvie’s account on Facebook to ask for her side of the story but we did not find any result.
Featured photo via Chicx Facebook