
What you should know about the blemishes on your skin

Oftentimes, we get bothered when we have unusual skin breakouts. It could be a pimple on the cheek or a tiny lump on the neck. Whatever that is, we want it gone as soon as possible. While it is natural to feel uncomfortable about having them, it’s helpful to know what are the common skin growths, what doctors say about them, and how they can be treated.

1. Flesh-colored, pearly bumps on the body


According to skin experts, it could be a skin infection called molluscum contagiosum. This may be passed through skin-to-skin contact or by using a contaminated object like towels or clothing. The molluscum virus produces tiny bumps on the upper layer of the skin. These bumps are painless and go away on its own but if left untreated, it can last for two months to up to four years.

Dr. Fiona McAndrew, a private General Practitioner in West London suggests the use of tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar as treatment. Dr Dev Shah, from the British Association of Dermatologists, also recommends any antiseptic treatment to help dissolve some of the crust while releasing the spot.

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