4. Xeroderma Pigmentosum or “Vampire Syndrome”
Xeroderma pigmentosum, more commonly known as XP, is an inherited condition characterized by an extreme sensitivity to ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight. This condition mostly affects the eyes and areas of skin exposed to the sun. Approximately one in 1 million people have this condition.
These people, therefore, must be completely shielded from sunlight, or they will experience extreme sunburn and breakdown of the skin. About 30% of people with XP develop progressive neurological abnormalities in addition to problems involving the skin and eyes.
These abnormalities can include hearing loss, poor coordination, difficulty walking, movement problems, loss of intellectual function, difficulty in swallowing and talking, and seizures. Severe cases have even led to skin cancer. While there are some treatments available, the best prevention from damage is to completely avoid sunlight.