
VIDEO: Watch thousands of lice crawl through a man’s hair 

This is definitely not for the weak of stomach.

A video showing thousands of lice crawling all over an unnamed man’s hair and forehead has taken the Internet by storm.

Described by experts as an extreme case of head lice infestation, the man’s scalp appeared to be alive as bacteria-covered bugs crawl through it.

In an interview with The Daily Mail UK, Lice Assasins founder Dee Wright revealed that the man even had lice on his eyebrows and eyelashes.

“That person’s scalp will be raw in places and infected. That will be running his system down like crazy. It’s a major job to get that out. It’s enough to make anyone feel itchy all over,” Wright said.

According to Wright, the man’s case wasn’t the worst she had seen as she had encountered clients with a whole nest in their hair.

Also known as pediculosis capitis, head lice are tiny insects that thrive in human hair and grow up to the size of a sesame seed. They feed by biting the scalp and sucking human blood.

Regardless of length and condition, head lice infestation can affect any type of hair.

Watch the hair-raising video below

Featured image credits to The Daily Mail UK.

Written by mmalabanan

Mini is a work-at-home mom from Laguna. Aside from writing, she's passionate about breastfeeding and homeschooling.

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