
Exercise pills: Physical activity in a capsule

It seems like everything is getting smaller and smaller–but would you believe scientists are even trying to make exercise smaller as well?

Yes, you read it right. Exercise pills are currently being developed by scientists in the University of British Columbia in Canada, as reported by Time.

“Everyone’s looking for a pill to replace exercise, but we’re just not there yet,” says the first study’s co-author Ismail Laher, professor in the department of anesthesiology, pharmacology, and therapeutics at the university.

Basically, the concept behind exercise pills is mimicking the effects that actual physical exercise has on the body. Exercise makes muscle cells more active, increases glucose supply, improves oxygen absorption, develops new blood vessels, and increases the body’s capacity for more exercise.

The exercise pills will make “muscles that are stronger and faster and [will help you] reach your exercise goals much quicker” according to Laher.

“You’re increasing efficiency of ATP, the currency by which every cell goes about its daily life,” Laher says.

The team, though, admits that no pill could ever reproduce or replicate the effects of exercise on the body. If they are able to create one pill, only a few effects could be replicated. In other words, these so-called exercise will would never be able to be as good as the real thing.

According to Laher, the pills they were developing are not meant to be for those who are lazy and prefer to sit back and relax and let the pills do all the work. These exercise pills are actually being developed for people who have reduced muscle ability due to paralysis, obesity, stroke or spinal cord injuries. “For those who aren’t physically able to exercise, the hope is that they can recover more muscle control when they use pills alongside physical therapy,” as reported in Time.

Don’t get your hopes up yet, though. The pills are still far from being ready for testing. Don’t go around thinking either that a single pill will turn you into Kim Kardashian while sitting in front of the television. At the end of the day, good ol’ sweat and moving those muscles are bones will always be the best thing for you.

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Written by KM Viray

Government employee from 8 to 5. Writer in between hours. Mom all day everyday.

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