Feeling guilty because you don’t floss on a regular basis?
There’s no need to feel that way anymore as a leading dental expert claims that flossing can do more harm than good.
According to leading periodontologist Robin Seymour, flossing, if not done correctly, can cause painful damage and increase the risk of gum disease.

Flossing is recommended by dentists to eliminate pieces of food and plaque found between your teeth. If debris build up, your gums will be irritated or inflamed. Eventually, you’ll develop a gum disease.
However, Serymour pointed out that flossing requires a high level of dexterity which most people don’t possess.
Many people who floss end up just pushing the plaque between their teeth down underneath the gums and leave it there.
Moreover, the sawing action to move the floss back and forth doesn’t eliminate the plaque effectively. Instead, it can traumatize the gums.
“Flossing is difficult to do, and difficult to do well, so we have to start looking at alternatives,” said Seymour.

The dental expert recommends using a powered toothbrush, an interspace or interdental brush and an alcohol-free mouthwash.