But as the reactions became more heated, the replies from the page admins stopped.
“Jeezus WTF is this?” Pipo del Rosario exclaimed. “They aren’t mutually exclusive why make it appear people have to choose? What happens to social responsibility?”
Lucy Vicente also appeared incensed. “BDO is promoting deforestation? And people still support this bank? And kudos on your community manager for thanking people of their feedback on how atrocious this ad campaign is!”
Some netizens expressed their incredulity over the campaign getting an actual approval. “They actually finished college & got a degree to come up with this ad?” Archie Arellano asked.
Lex Picana also asked, “…who is the Ad Agency who made this?”
Meanwhile, a few FB users defended BDO. “Taken out of context naman ata eh. (Maybe it’s taken out of context.)” Van Alcazar said. He tries to compare the life choices put forward by the ads as similar to choosing between what meals to eat. “Parang Pizza “or” Burger lang.. D naman siya Good “or” Evil.. (It’s like choosing between a burger or a pizza, it’s not necessarily a choice between good or evil.)”
Herrera Iskra explained, “I think people are understanding this wrong. Maybe what they’re trying to say is that you can do either. The OR isn’t as literal and not suggesting you buy new clothes rather than save the environment. I think what they’re trying to say is that you can do either, be both, kaya nga ‘we find ways.'”

But to celebrity tour guide—and vocal SM critic—Carlos Celdran there is no misunderstanding things. To him, the faux pas was plain to see. Celdran posted, “I heard that the BDO Savings Viral Ad content was bad, but I didn’t realize it was this tone deaf, out of touch, and well.. I dunno. You tell me. And once again, BRAVO to SM Group of Companies for winning my Puñeta of the Day. #HallOfFamePuñeteros”