Women have to deal with their monthly periods and everything that goes with it: moodiness, irritation, dysmenorrhea, bloating, etc. But a recent study has revealed that a quarter of the male population also go through monthly “man periods” which has symptoms similar to premenstrual symptoms.
Apparently, some men also experience irritability, cramps, cravings, tiredness, as well as being emotional during that time of the month.
A total of 2,412 individuals who had been in a relationship for a minimum of 12 months, of which half were male, participated in a survey conducted by vouchercloud.co.uk.
The findings of the survey revealed that 26% of men suffered from man periods.
More than half (56%) experienced irritability, 51% felt more tired than normal, and 47% had increased cravings.
About 43% were constantly hungry, 43% were easily upset, and 14% felt bloated. Moreover, 12% admitted they were more sensitive about their weight and 5% think they experienced menstrual cramps.
Calling the condition as Irritable Male Syndrome, Dr. Jed Diamond explained that men do suffer from man periods.
“Men have a number of hormonal cycles and these affect their level of energy, anger, sex drive, and irritability,” he said.
Meanwhile, Dr. Aubeeluck of the University of Derby believes men suffer from pre-menstrual style symptoms due to stress.
Featured image credits to The Rooster.