
Couple too fat to have sex gets surgery to have a baby

China. Lin Yue and his wife Deng Yang have been married since 2010 but haven’t been able to consummate their marriage because they are both overweight.

The couple, both 30, reportedly have a combined weight of nearly 400 kilograms, says

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But this December, they both announced their willingness to undergo surgery for rapid weight loss in order to have a child. This was after they read about China’s heaviest person, who weighed 244 kilos, undergoing gastric bypass surgery to fight obesity.

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Last week, the lovebirds traveled to Changchun in northeastern Jilin Province to start the fitness plan needed for the operation.

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via CEN

Website Not Your Good Fatty cautions though that even if the couple shed half their weight, the baby is still at risk because obese pregnancies come with huge health complications.

Featured image via CEN

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