We all want to get a good night’s sleep after a long, tiring day. But did you know there are ways to make sleep even better? The Dailypedia shares some tips on how to get a healthier and happier sleep.
1. Shower

Ever noticed how relaxed you feel after taking even just a short shower? With a shower, the body temperature is regulated which in turn relaxes the body.
2. Meditate

You don’t need meditation classes to calm your mind. Just sit for a few moments in silence and take deep, steady breaths. If you feel like chanting mantras, go ahead. Meditation can actually help you drift off to sleep.
3. Write in a journal

Sometimes, we have so much going on in our minds that you can’t seem to fall asleep. Instead of forcing yourself to fall asleep, why not take a notebook and write down all those thoughts running through your head? Research shows writing down something that’s stressing you out and physically then throwing it away can help clear your mind.
4. Drink water

Keeping yourself hydrated all throughout the day is good for your body, but did you know keeping yourself hydrated at night can also do wonders for your sleep cycle? Drinking even just a single glass of water before going to bed will keep you from waking up unnecessarily in the middle of the night. Some people drink alcohol to fall asleep, but while this may make you sleep faster, you’ll most likely wake up thirsty and in need of a glass of water. So why not just skip the alcohol altogether and drink that glass of water?
5. Brush those teeth

Brushing your teeth before bedtime is simply good hygiene. Brushing will help prevent the build-up of bacteria and plaque and keep those pearly whites nice and strong.
6. Work out

Exercising not only releases happy hormones but also aids in getting some good sleep. And no, we’re not talking about working out to the point that you’ll just collapse from fatigue. Exercise done in the right amounts can aid in blood circulation and improve overall health.
7. Ditch the devices

The bright lights from your televisions, smartphones, tablets, and laptops can disrupt your circadian rhythm or your body clock. The bright lights can confuse your system as to whether it’s really light or dark.
8. Eat smart

While it is generally recommended to not eat two hours before you sleep, some food with good natural sugars like kiwi can actually help your sleep cycles.
9. Find the best place for your pet

Some people find comfort in sleeping with their pets while others feel their pets are best placed outside the bedroom. Find what works for you so both of you can get a good night’s rest.
10. Sleep at a reasonable hour

Just because you can stay up late doesn’t mean you should. You need enough sleep in order to wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. If you know you need at least eight hours of sleep, go to bed at the right time even if you feel like you still want to watch that late night TV show. Learn to listen to your body.