Seen one too many cheesy posts about their significant other from someone on Facebook?
A recent study suggests that it may be a sign of anxiety about his/her relationship. Based on a study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people who often amplify their “relationship visibility” have doubts about their partner’s love.
The study involved 108 couples at a Canadian University, all of whom were listed as “in a relationship” on Facebook, as well as those who were married and were in open relationships.
For two weeks, each individual logged in a journal how confident they felt about their relationship, including how they related with Facebook that day. Trained coders evaluated their Facebook profiles, taking into consideration the time spent on the social network and the number of posts each partner shared about the couple.
This was the result: during the days when one partner was feeling romantically apprehensive, he or she shared many statuses, posts, or photos about the other partner.

Photo Credit: Though Highway
Facebook, in general, is quite a poor indicator of how couples are really doing. A Finnish study from Aalto University discovered that while people want to be genuine online, their social profiles usually include false information/updates to be able to meet social expectations and preserve their “images.”
Another study from Albright College revealed that couples might even use Facebook to check on their partner’s activities and console themselves that theirs is indeed a happy and loving relationship.
So next time you see a mushy Facebook post, just think that someone might be having some relationship anxiety.