Just weeks after a rather bad dream wherein he met a guy at a fast food establishment, netizen John Ray Garcia made a post on Facebook, asking help from a “spiritist” or someone who knows how to make evil spirits go away.
According to Garcia, his ordeal began a day after his birthday when he dreamt about meeting a guy in the bathroom of a Jollibee outlet. This guy supposedly watched him intensely, forcing him to look at guy only to discover that the latter did not have a face but was wearing a Jollibee service crew uniform.
But the bad dream did not end there. After getting out of Jollibee, Garcia said he rode a tricycle but the faceless Jollibee man also rode in the backseat. This time, the guy “developed” a face.
In the dream, the guy followed him even to their house. Even if their house only had two stories, Garcia felt like he had climbed seven flights of stairs yet he could never reach his room. Looking back, Garcia saw the guy following him. He then ran down the stairs as fast as he could. It was then that he woke up.

Moments later, when he checked his Facebook account, he found a chat message from someone he did not know, someone named JerBen Camique Borela (who passed away in March 2015). He would later realize that this guy on Facebook was the same guy he saw in the dream. On Facebook, the guy asked for help and told Garcia not to tell anybody about him.
Afraid that people would think he was going crazy, Garcia posted his appeal for help on Facebook in hopes that someone would help him find a spiritist to drive this perceived “evil spirit” away.

Garcia’s post garnered much attention, both positive and negative. A lot of people encouraged him to pray and seek help from a priest/pastor while there were those who accused him of making up stories just to go viral on social media.
Borela’s sisters are angry at Garcia, accusing him of making up stories about their brother.

Some netizens also did some research and found a connection between Garcia and Borela, with Garcia commenting on some of Borela’s old posts even when he claimed that he has no idea who Borela was.

These supposed posts and Garcia’s lengthy plea have since been deleted but netizens have posted screenshots in hopes that someone would piece the puzzle together and understand what had just happened; whether Garcia was truly haunted by Borela’s ghost or whether he was merely making up the story to gain attention on social media.