
How do some people stay effortlessly thin?

Do you ever wonder why some people stay slim without the need to diet or do strenuous exercises?

A study carried out by researchers at the Cornell Food and Brand Lab revealed that majority of slim people rarely diet, nearly a tenth were vegetarian, almost a fifth claim they didn’t drink alcohol and that more than one in 10 of them never check their weight.

Here’s an infographic of what they eat according to the study:

PHOTO CREDIT: Cornell Food and Brand Lab
PHOTO CREDIT: Cornell Food and Brand Lab
PHOTO CREDIT: Cornell Food and Brand Lab
PHOTO CREDIT: Cornell Food and Brand Lab

The survey, which involved 122 adults whose BMI (Body Mass Index) was healthy and who claimed that they didn’t maintain strict diets, also found that almost half exercised at least five times a week.

PHOTO CREDIT: Cornell Food and Brand Lab
PHOTO CREDIT: Cornell Food and Brand Lab

A majority of effortlessly thin people who participated in the survey were more than 40 years old and 80% of them were female.

According to Dr. Brian Wansink, director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, slim people’s strategies differed from conventional weight loss advice. In order to stay slim, they tend to eat high-quality foods, cook at home, and listen to inner cues. Moreover, they didn’t feel as guilty as other people about overeating.

For Anna-Leena Vuorinen of the VTT Technical Research Center, the results of the survey are encouraging since it implies that weight gain could be prevented early on by considering inner cues and putting importance on the quality instead of the quantity of food rather than putting a limit on one’s diet.

Written by mmalabanan

Mini is a work-at-home mom from Laguna. Aside from writing, she's passionate about breastfeeding and homeschooling.

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