4. A politician who stands up against corruption.
In 2007, he became the chair the Blue Ribbon Committee. He was one of the senators who probed and scraped the graft-ridden NBN-ZTE deal, Fertilizer scam, and the cash-giving scandal in Malacanang.
5. Pro-education
When Cayetano was the chair of the Committee on Education, Arts, and Culture, he pushed for the funding for basic and tertiary education. He also fought for the better compensation for public school teachers.
6. Pro freedom of information
In 2009, when Cayetano chaired the Committee on Public Information and Mass Media, he launched a campaign to make the Freedom of Information (FOI) become a law.
7. Presyo, Trabaho, Kita (PTK) (Price, Job, Income)
Cayetano’s platform—Presyo, Trabaho, Kita (PTK)—aims to lower prices and create better jobs leading to income to improve the lives of Filipinos.

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