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Ten Reasons Filipinos should vote for Grace Poe as the next Philippine president

4. Child Advocate

Her priority is the Filipino children. In her years in the Senate, she was able to file various bills such as Sustenance for the Filipino child and First 1000 days which seek to protect, provide support, and address malnutrition of Filipino children.

5. She is a woman.

Poe highlights the importance of female participation in the government, having supported a number of laws for the betterment of women during her term of office.

6. She is a daughter, wife, and mother.

She takes the time to be part of her family. She understands that we are all about our families which is the key to becoming a great nation.

Grace Poe, if she wins would be the second woman Philippine president. Photo Credit: Society of Honor
Grace Poe, if she wins would be the second woman Philippine president.
Photo Credit: Society of Honor

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