
VIRAL: Philippine Flying Lemur mistaken for an ‘aswang’

A Facebook post showing a captured Philippine flying lemur mistaken for an “aswang” went viral on June 24, 2016 (Friday) which drew the ire of Filipino netizens.

Kagwang not aswang
The Facebook post contained a series of pictures showing a Philippine flying lemur (scientific name Cynocephalus volans) or the Philippine colugo (also known locally as the kagwang) being restrained. It is not known if the endangered species endemic to the Philippines was alive or not. The Facebook user who made the post is apparently superstitious and  believes in “aswangs.” Aswangs are shapeshifting creatures believed to prey on pregnant women and small children.

philippine flying lemur mistaken as an aswang edited

The Facebook post has since been taken down.

The user had also posted a series of photos showing various dead livestock with bite marks, blaming the aswang for the deaths and that netizens who criticize her are closed-minded individuals.

In any case, the incident should be investigated by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to see if the lemur was harmed.

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