
STUDY: Millennials are having less sex compared to the previous generation

Millennials, contrary to being tagged as the hookup generation, are having less action in the bedroom compared to their parents, the Generation Xers.

A new sexual trend has been observed among today’s 20-year olds. Contrary to the popular notion that millennials, or individuals born between 1980s to 1994, love sleeping around, a study published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior has actually debunked the belief.

Based on the results of the study conducted by Jean Twenge and colleagues, about 15% of young adults between the ages of 20 and 24 reported no sexual partners since turning 18. On the other hand, only 6% of the previous generation reported the same at that age.

Researches believe that economic realities, technology, changing sexual attitudes, and safety issues have influenced millennials’ attitudes towards sex. Millennials, according to Jeffrey Arnett of Clark University, are now calculating risky behavior.

“It’s not only that they have fewer sexual partners than the baby boomers did, but they also drink less, they smoke less, the crime rate is half now than it was 20 years ago, teenage pregnancy has plummeted—it’s part of this broader pattern of less risky behavior,” Arnett explained.

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