A female legislator from Texas has proposed a bill that would seemingly prevent men from reaching sexual nirvana.
Democrat Rep. Jessica Farrar has proposed a bill that would fine a man $100 each time he masturbates or pleasures himself. The same bill also forces men to go on a 24-hour waiting period before undergoing colonoscopy and vasectomy procedures as well as for taking Viagra.

Apparently, the advocate of women’s health in Texas just wants to give male lawmakers a taste of their own medicine. Although Farrar is aware that her bill won’t go too far, she hopes the bill would highlight sexist double standards in a state where it is extremely difficult for women to have abortions.
Speaking to CNN, Farrar said: “Let’s look at what Texas has done to women. What if men had to undergo the same intrusive procedures?”
Just like abortion, Farrar believes that masturbation fails to preserve the sanctity of life and is “an act against an unborn child.”
Naming the bill “A Man’s Right to Know Act”, Farrar’s proposed bill seeks to scrutinize a similarly named pamphlet called “A Woman’s Right to Know”, which Texas doctors give to women before they get abortions.
A section of the said pamphlet claims that abortions are linked to breast cancer. However, scientists are yet to prove this claim.
With Texas having the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world, Farrar hopes that her advocacy can give Texas women better access to abortions. Currently, the state doesn’t permit abortions for women past the 20-week mark unless her pregnancy is life threatening. Moreover, 96% of counties in Texas don’t have abortion clinics.
A recent study revealed that the rate of women who died from pregnancy-related complications has doubled from 2010 to 2014 in the said state.