Gents, your favorite hobby might just be the key to live long and happy lives.
Researchers have recently discovered peculiar ways to boost a man’s life expectancy and one of them is staring at boobs.

While this behaviour may seem an indecent, looking at breasts creates the same effect as when you look at adorable animals. Believe it or not, this behaviour creates a positive mindset in males.
In a 2012 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, it was found that positive thinking can benefit patients with chronic disease and has a powerful effect on health choices.
Aside from staring at breasts, scientists have found that having more sex, being responsible, getting hitched as well as having offspring are also among the secrets to living a longer life.
Having lots of sex actually decreases a man’s death rate by as much as 50% and promotes physical well-being. A study also claimed that life expectancy increased by three to eight years among male participants who had more orgasms.
Marrying after the age of 25 seems to make men live longer compared to those who married young. Researchers are yet to find if living with another person has actual health benefits.
Like marrying, having kids increased men and women’s life expectancy by two years for the former and 1.5 years for the latter. Scientists are looking into the possibility that parents get social, emotional, physical, financial and health benefits from their offsprings particularly at an older age.
Lastly ,a study published at the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology showed that older people in nursing homes who were given the responsibility to care for a plant without letting it die had improved alertness, socialization and general function.