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Pervert Passenger Punched By A Lady Who Keeps Making Sexual Advances to Her

  • A Facebook user named Caroline Rodriguez shared how her sister Celine Isabel Rodriguez bravely fought for herself against the perverted passenger on the jeepney.
  • According to her, the man was closely seated beside her sister even though there was a huge space on his other side.
  • Later on, he began making physical contact with her and said it was an accident.

Perverts can be found almost everywhere, regardless if it crowded or not, or if it day or night.

These days, maniacs never vacillate to take advances to their victims even though there are other people in the place or when they are being too palpable. It appears that offenders are getting more and more fearless when it comes to sexual harassment, as if they aren’t afraid of the punishment the law can give them.

On the other hand, the victims are also keeping up by being vocal and courageous whenever someone tries to touch them up or harass them in any way – which is a good thing, for the reason that it symbolizes the fact that no one wants to remain a victim anymore.

One of the recent victims of sexual harassment in a public place is Celine Isabel Rodriguez.

Her story was shared to netizens after her sister, Caroline Rodriguez, posted it on her social media account.

Read the story below:

So while my older sister was riding the jeep on the way home, there was this manyak who was trying to touch her up. He was seated beside her (with a significant amount of space on their row) and tried to act like the things he was doing were “accidents”.

Whenever the jeep would stop, his hand would “accidentally” land on her thigh without even apologizing. He even had a weird, disgusting smile while he was doing these.

According to her, the man took advantage of Celine while the jeep was moving.

Every time the driver steps on the brakes, the pervert’s hand would accidentally fall into her lap without even apologizing.

It was indeed unusual since it should be his body that accidentally moved towards Celine if the brakes were stepped on too hard. Moreover, the space on his opposite side was huge enough for him to move away from the woman – which he never did.

Therefore, Celine decided to give the man what he deserves.

My sister proceeded to punch him with no hesitation. Twice. She punched him in the face so hard, her knuckle got bruised.

Then she proceeded to punch him in the neck. All the guy could do was hide his face out of embarrassment (and pain lol).

Never hesitate to defend yourselves from perverts, everyone!

This be da way mom and dad raised us. Proud of ya, bro.”

Caroline was truly proud of his sister because she didn’t let herself remain a victim. Instead, she proceeded and defended herself against the offender – who wasn’t able to do anything aside from trying to avoid Celine’s fist when he was being hit.

In connection with this, Caroline encouraged other victims to be brave enough to protect themselves from perverts that they might encounter anywhere.

Meanwhile, the netizens who had read Caroline’s post agreed that it was the right thing to do and encouraged their friends and relatives to do the same if similar incidents happen to them.

We are now living in the modern world wherein many things have changed, including the people. If offenders think that their victims would simply cry their hearts out in the corner, then they are mistaken.

Nowadays, no one wants to be aggrieved in such situations. Aside from the new way of living, people also had learned to step up for themselves if possible given the fact that they know their rights and they wouldn’t let anyone violate them in any way.

What about you? What would you have done if you were in Celine’s shoes?

Written by Reese Barcelon

Reese was an online novelist way back 2011. She began her voyage with a pen and paper in hand, which advanced into a laptop after some time. Living in a fictional world with the books she read and dramas she watched gave her solace and became her happy pill.

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