
10 Surprising Habits of Smart People

  • Smart people not only have high IQ,  they possess certain characteristics and do habits that help them adapt to their environment.
  • These surprising characteristics will help you distinguish them from less bright individuals.

Want to know what distinguishes smart people from the less bright individuals?

Aside from having higher level of intelligence quotient, they possess certain characteristics and do habits that help them not just in exams but in adapting to their environment.

1. They stay cool.

Compared with people with lower intelligence quotient (IQ), smart people tend to stay cool during situations that can trigger anger or frustration. Based on a long-term study carried out by researchers from the University of Michigan, there is a connection between aggressive behavior and a low IQ. Their results showed that growing up in a combative and aggressive environment delays brain development.

2. They don’t think they’re better than others.

Ironically, less intelligent people tend to believe they’re actually better than others. A study published in the Psychological Science magazine showed that less smart people are often racist or homophobic and tend to classify people prematurely. On the other hand, smart people don’t need to put others down because they know their own value. They are even willing to help others achieve success.

3. They admit to mistakes.

Instead of perceiving mistakes as something bad, smart people take it as an opportunity to learn and grow. This is supported by a study conducted by researchers from University of Michigan which showed that smart people’s brain react differently to mistakes than those with lower IQ.

4. They show empathy.

A representative study of researchers at Texas Tech university revealed that smarter people were more capable of showing empathy and recognizing the feeling of others. In addition, they tend to be more willing to help another person without expecting anything in return.

5. They are anxious and mistrustful.

Smart people may not do well in the trust department as they tend to worry more and take longer time to make friends. That’s because they have the brain capacity to process complex contexts and predict into the future. A survey of 15,000 people showed that brainy individuals are better at deviousness, which involves thinking through actions, creating falsehoods as well as planning ahead.

6. They are messy.

You think bright people are the most organized individuals in the world? Several studies have proven that people who place less value on tidiness are more creative, more open to try something new and are more likely to think big.

7. They swear more.

Rather than releasing their anger with violence, clever people swear. This allows them to let off steam making them less upset compared to less smart people. A study in Language Science supports this claim as they identified swearing as a sign of intelligent people.

8. They are nocturnal.

Do you love staying up late at night? Being a night owl is probably a sign that you’re smart. A research in the London School of Economics showed that people with an IQ of 75 slept before midnight during the week, while those with an IQ of 125 went to bed at 12:30 in the evening on average. However, it should be noted that the test subjects were around the age of 20.

9. They are lazy.

It may seem absurd but a study by researchers from Florida Gulf Coast University showed that intelligent people use their lazy time to think. On the other hand, less bright ones often engage in physical activities in order to distract themselves from boredom.

10. They ignore the alarm clock more often.

Do you think ignoring the alarm clock is a bad habit? Apparently, this isn’t exactly the case as a study published in the journal “Personality and Individual Differences” showed that bright people tend to push the snooze button more often.

Written by mmalabanan

Mini is a work-at-home mom from Laguna. Aside from writing, she's passionate about breastfeeding and homeschooling.

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