
Kids who are overly exposed to screens may have greater risk of cancer

  • Studies say that those who are overly exposed to screens are more likely to be obese.
  • This results to people having a greater risk of having cancer.

Experts warned that too much screen time can raise the risk of a dozen deadly cancers.

There are said to be “convincing evidence” saying that spending hours glued to the television, computers and smartphones fuel childhood obesity.

They said that kids who are so exposed to screens are more likely to become fat adults, who are at greater risk of developing 12 types of cancer. They added that it is also the marker of poor lifestyle, bad diet, and inactivity.

A report of the The World Cancer Research Fund claims that people who watch too much television and uses smartphones a lot just eats more than what they burn off. They are also less likely to realize that they are full whenever they eat their meals.

Caroline Cerny of the Obesity Health Alliance backed up this claim.

“Eating too much unhealthy food and drink, with sedentary lifestyles contributes to overweight and obesity – this much is clear.

“We also know that when children spend time in front of screens, they are bombarded with junk food adverts.

“This new report highlights the dangers of unhealthy lifestyles and children’s exposure to advertising.

“We need a 9pm watershed on TV junk food marketing and similar restrictions online.”

Along with this, they also found out that breastfed kids are less likely to become obese.

Written by J M

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